Does the TWL Custom/rifle Server exist?

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Does the TWL Custom/rifle Server exist?

Post by [Justify] »

Hello everyone, :cheeks:

I just want to voice my opinion and get a few things off my chest, nothing harmful, just what I would really like to see happen. :mrgreen:

Well, I have been playing TWL for a long time and now a member, one of the greatest attributes of this server is and will always be the custom maps/great company. Viper has put a lot of work into making the maps availiable and keeping the server up and running. To get to the point, the custom maps are basically the reason I play and I hardly ever see anyone on the rifle/custom server. Its really disappointing because I've played there many times in the past with Viper, Jimmy and a FEW others. I would be great to load up MOH and find that the rifle/custom map server was always full and not visa versa. There are requirements that are to be met for the clan but the main ones for example utilizing the custom server are not even mentioned. All TWL members are to have these maps installed, why not put them to use instead of always playing the same old maps. I'm not saying that we have to play the custom maps all the time, but it should atleast be that the stock maps are the ones that we hardly ever use.

Here's the thing, when I get off work/school, I like to put on my music full blast and play the game. :pc: I'm not much for talking while playing and I really just love to play especially the rifle/custom and all that I am saying is that we make use of them the most. Otherwise we should just get rid of them and let Viper use his talents for something else.

All of this probably has been said before and maybe you guys do play them 80% of the time and I happen to miss those times. Those maps and the rifle skill action is why I enjoy being in TWL and hopefully things will change and the custom server with rifles will be full 90% of the time. These are the things that our clan should be most concerned with and of course reasonable behavior. 8)
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Post by Jimmy »

Justify, yes we had some great games a while back playing rifles late at night. For me I am back to work and late nights are out for me.

There are a few die hard rifle guys that still play but it does seem to have thinned out for some time. Viper has been making maps and mods that keep him busy but when I, Cowlitz and viper Drifter, Squeek and a few others get together we generally go to server 2 and play rifles. You are right, we even have a rifle squad |RS| but server 2 is generally empty.

Next time your on, let me know and I will join you on server 2, BTW, you have got to get TS running so we can give you some smack lol

See you soon

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Cowlitz River
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Post by Cowlitz River »

The reason i only get on server 2 late night is because thats when the gammers are on, get on earlier and you face guys that dont have have the skill or patience to learn the rifle and they end up using the shot gun or pistol. It gets frustrating :bang: because it took me along time to make the adjustment to the rifle and I was willing to take my lumps (5-15) :base: . Like i said before, its not about the kill ratio, especially when your playing the old timers. So if your one of those guys (and ya know who ya are) just remember your not impressing the old timers with how many times ya gun em down with a pistol or shoot em in the back with a shotty, or nade everybody in the ring!
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Post by [Justify] »

Jammin Jimmy: Oh well, most of my free time is only late night, so I guess we won't be rifling it up. IM me or something, I might be able to come on a little earlier.

Cowlitz River: I thought the server was rifle only, how are you getting shot in the back with shotgun :hitman: or pistol, lol. I just wanna see some rifle action, like the good old days, pure rifle only. I only play rifle, not even sniper rifle, just rifle.

Anyways, is there an alotted time we can get together to game on server 2, if you guys can handle the beating you'll get, hehe. Since it seems that its most likely still gonna go to waste.

I'm usually looking for some rifle action around 11pm to 3am on custom maps. So if you see me come onto server 1 i'm really wanting to play on server 2. :mrgreen:
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Post by Cowlitz River »

I'll be looking for ya!
<center>Any coward can fight a battle when he's sure of winning, but give me the man who has pluck to fight when he's sure of losing. That's my way, sir; and there are many victories worse than a defeat.

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Post by hitman »

k see ya on maybe butt i not to good yet weth rife yet butt i well se ya lol
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