Streets of Bakersfield Beta test

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Streets of Bakersfield Beta test

Post by ViPER »

Here is another map from PhantomWarrior and Stalker - who brought us Der Vor Posten


You can get it here -

ADMINS - map name is


This is a bets test so post any comments or problems with the map here -
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Post by ViPER »

Great map you guys -

Stalker -

I recomend a seperate client file for the music which is over 18MB. That makes the map file about 11MB and easier to manage uploads to servers.

Also - the elevator doors are a little narrow.

great job

here i recomend these changes to the main script thread that will fix the no respawn problem -

Code: Select all


	// set scoreboard messages
	setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext1" "Allies Kill the Axis"
	setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext2" "Do or Die!"
	setcvar "g_obj_alliedtext3" " "
	setcvar "g_obj_axistext1" "Axis Kill the Allies"
	setcvar "g_obj_axistext2" "Do or Die!"
	setcvar "g_obj_axistext3" " "

setcvar "g_scoreboardpic" "Streets of Bakersfield"

	// call additional stuff for playing this map round based is needed
		thread roundbasedthread
	//exec global/exploder.scr
level waitTill prespawn

	//*** Precache Dm Stuff
	exec global/DMprecache.scr
	level.script = maps/dm/Streets_of_Bakersfield.scr

	exec global/door_locked.scr::lock

thread ambientsounds
thread jukebox_prep
thread jukebox2_prep
thread trappdoor22_prep
thread trappdoor23_prep
thread trappdoor24_prep
thread trappdoor25_prep
thread elevator_prep
thread autolift_prep
thread dunggy_door2

$world farplane 8435
$world farplane_bias 0
$world farplane_color (.24 .24 .232)

//wait 1	

level waittill spawn




	// Can specify different scoreboard messages for round based games here.
level waitTill prespawn

level waittill spawn

	// set the parameters for this round based match
	level.dmrespawning = 0 // 1 or 0
	level.dmroundlimit = 5 // round time limit in minutes
	level.clockside = kills // set to axis, allies, kills, or draw

level waittill roundstart

Desert Templar
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Post by Desert Templar »

Sweet looking map, cant wait to sneak up behind gas and Bash him down,lol. I also better find a good hiding spot to snipe yall.
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Post by hitman »

it is a fun cool map looks good
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Post by ViPER »

Without a doubt >> I have been to Bakersfield and the map is way better! :mrgreen:
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Post by BillCollector »

HAHAHHAHA Bakersfield!!! I dont even think I'd want to go there in a game!!!! What a dump!!! :mrgreen: Could be fun, most likely much batter than the real thing!
I knew violence wansn't the answer, I got it wrong on purpose
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Post by ViPER »

I have one more suggestion - Might want to think about changing the name -
Had several people decide to pass on the download because of the local - truly a shame because
this is a great map.


Give it a WWII tie-in (the map has a clean nostalgic feel to it with the FOX theater and old cars)

"Homefront 1944"


"Homefront USA"


"Letters to Home" use pics added to the loadscreen and scoreboard pic like on this link that tells the story of
Herman Mollman saw action in the Battle of the Bulge in Europe, one of the bloodiest campaigns of the war.
see story of Herman writing to home in Bakersfield from the battle of the bulge in 44

link here- ... %26hl%3Den

Tie in this story (or something like it) to the map.

Maybe you could put the letter on a table in one of the houses with some chairs around it.

This gives the map a real tie in to WWII and a strong connection to MOH.

Or you could go the MOB/GANG route and name it something like -

Easy Street
Easy Street shootings
Easy Street Massacre
Easy Street Rumble
Halfway house Shootings
Disgruntled Stalker
Fired from Taco Bell

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Post by squeek »

Great map. It has a real nice feel and a good mix for different playing styles. Really like the juke boxes and the out house.
Good job :mrgreen:
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Post by Stalker »

Ok sorry I havn't been on guys some meth addict hit a pole outside my house here in Bakersfield and the Internet has been down.

Actually our ISP was just bought out by another ISP and the internet was down while they did the upgrades.

Bakersfield isn't that bad guys.
Here I posted a picture I took from my back porch a few years ago. Hopefully that will convince you to download it.

Elevator is wider now on the New Version as well as a few glitch fixes here and there.
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Post by ViPER »

Nice Picture - Not the Bakersfield I was in. LOL

Strange contrast - that beautiful picture and your description of the events of Methheads in Bakersfield!

Great map though - unfortuneatley the map (that makes Bakersfield look really really good) will suffer
the attention it deserves and will not change peoples perception of a place they basically associate with
the dregs of society

As important as making a great map, you want people to be excited going into it. As I said before, the map
was unfairly passed on by more than not because of the title.

Absolutely superior brush and texture work - Keep up the great mapping!
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Post by Stalker »

Ok the meth addict thing was a joke. When I talk to people from other cities that seems to be their impression of Bakersfield.
I dont think im going to change the name of the map though if people don't want to play simply because of a name then they are the ones that are missing out. Seems to me though that most of the people outside of California havn't even heard of bakersfield and would download the level out of curiosity. Even if that is not true im not going to change the name.
That picture above was taken from the back porch of my house a few years ago before I sold it.
Here is a picture of the front of it. :)
Desert Templar
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Post by Desert Templar »

THat map is alot of fun. I kept trying to sneak in the center building but youd always get my vip ya shmuck
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Moving Target
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Post by Moving Target »

Another sweet map from the pros........................thanks guys.
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Post by SuicideBomber(inPA) »

cant wait to play it!! Looks goo :twl: :guns: :Beer: d
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Post by Ouch »

looks like a great map..looking forward to hunting on it... :thumbup1:
thru the mud and the blood.. to the green fields beyound
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