Okay heres the skinny
How in the %@#>? do you take screen shots, Ive tried f12 and then looked in moh folders but found nothing also did a search of hard drive.
Screen shots
Moderators: Paul.nz, ViPER, Hottieshottie
you may need to bind the screenshot - do this, test it
press f12 and look in your console, it should return in the console that a screenshot was taken. if not enter this in your console
test it again.
Like Fro says look in your mainta/screenshots
if breakthrough look in maintt/screenshots
press f12 and look in your console, it should return in the console that a screenshot was taken. if not enter this in your console
Code: Select all
bind f12 screenshot
Like Fro says look in your mainta/screenshots
if breakthrough look in maintt/screenshots