An incident in the grocery store!

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An incident in the grocery store!

Post by Felony »

Like to share an E-MAIL I received from the Patriot Guard Riders

"One of my friends serves in the military. He called me yesterday to let me know how warm and welcoming people were to him and his troops everywhere they go. He told me how people shake their hands and thank them for being willing to serve and fight, not only for our own freedom but so that others may have them too.

Then he told me about an incident in the grocery store he stopped at yesterday on his way home from the base. He said that several people were in the line ahead of him, including a woman dressed in a burkha. He said when she got to the cashier, she made a loud remark about the U.S. Flag lapel pin the cashier wore on her smock. The cashier reached up and touched the pin and said, 'Yes, I always wear it proudly, because I am an American.'

The woman in the burkha then asked the cashier when she was going to stop bombing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi.

Then, a Gentleman standing behind my friend in uniform, putting his arm around his shoulders, said in a calm and gentle voice to the Iraqi woman: Lady, hundreds of thousands of men and women like this young man have fought and died so that YOU could stand here, in MY country and accuse a check-out cashier of bombing YOUR countrymen.

It is my belief that had you been this outspoken in YOUR own country, we wouldn't need to be there today. But, hey, if you have now learned how to speak out so loudly and clearly, I'll gladly buy you a ticket and pay your way back to Iraq , so you can straighten out the Mess in YOUR country, that you are obviously here in MY country to avoid.'

Everyone within hearing distance cheered!"

Dedicated In Memory of Spc. Kelly B. Grothe, age 21. "...for those who man the battle line, the bugle whispers low, and freedom has a taste and price the protected never know..."

Last edited by Felony on Sat May 03, 2008 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Major Privates »

Great post Fel! :thumbup1:
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Post by ViPER »

We have a large Iraqi community in the bay area. My experience with meeting and talking with them is that they are pro "american forces in Iraq". Many of them feel strongly that US presence in Iraq is important to help establish what many American-Iraqis want for Iraq, Democracy.

I don't agree that it is our sole responsibility to establish a democratic foothold in Iraq at our expense. Clearly Democracy in Iraq will be one small benificial side effect (however long it may last) of our true purpose there - To secure the trade of Iraqi Oil in $ US. :bs:

I'll add that our troops are doing a fantastic job :Beer: You have to admire that when considering that they are under the command of a failing administration whos failing foriegn policy lacks any considerate or inteligent beef.

I Don't see US establishing democracy in Tabet out of the pure goodness of our hearts or retaliating in Pakistan simply because they harbor the core of AQ. But if you happen to find large Oil reserves in either place please let me know and we will help those poor people to establish a democracy, as that would be the best thing for them I am sure. :banghead:

Iraq makes giving Isreal to the Jews look like a simple oopsee. One thing is certain - as Isreal is a good example, in Iraq we have established a secure foundation of trouble for many future generations.
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Sorry to offend anyone-OMG

Post by Felony »

I was simply showing the support our troops have and need to hear at home reguardless of the mission oveseas.

Democracy? Please give me a break, it hasen't exsisted in the region for over 800 years. Viper is right! There is no doubt "ITS" all about the oil. That shouldn't suprize anyone!

U.S. Foriegn Policy fails reguardless of the current administration as evidenced by one simple equation.

The United States of America has one fifth of the worlds population and uses seventyfive percent of the worlds resources. Trust me, just look in your own back yard. This is the issue at hand and most countries are painfully aware of this.

The USA must become a global member nation to avoid trouble for future generations. Which equates to each and every one of us doing with less, much much less. Viper's a much better man than me to be the first.
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Re: Sorry to offend anyone-OMG

Post by AstroDan »

Felony wrote:I was simply showing the support our troops have and need to hear at home reguardless of the mission oveseas.

Democracy? Please give me a break, it hasen't exsisted in the region for over 800 years. Viper is right! There is no doubt "ITS" all about the oil. That shouldn't suprize anyone!
Tell that to the Iraquis that had the purple dye on their fingers while under a death sentence for voting!
as to Iraqui oil.... where is it, why hasn't the price of oil gone down if we were in it for the oil? Why aren't we "taking" it right now?

Wise up. This sounds like what the NY Times and Code Pink wants Americans to sound like! Vote Obama and see it get better? HA!
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Post by ViPER »

Hey Dan - you should come check out the new server 3 - rifle/ ojectives when you get a chance. :whip:

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

I usually vote on strong Republican, Family values.

On the one hand you have Obama - who chose a life of Public service to help make a better community for his loving family, wife and children.

On the other, you have McCain - who divorced his wife (who supported him through his captivity) when she was disfigured in a car accident and replaced her with a new trophy wife.

We need sweeping change - and we need someone with the stamina to blossom two strong consecutive terms. and that someone is not McCain "my friend"

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Post by Jimmy »

Viper Your an A$$ HOLE

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Post by ViPER »

So I've been told :thumbup1:

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Post by BillCollector »

Politics is never a good topic amongst friends........ :wag:
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grocery store

Post by Drifter »

YES A GREAT POST FELONY................................. :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1:
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Post by Schutzstaffel »

Love the post Felony :thumbup1: I have Fort Bilss near me and I see army guys a bit. When I can I thank tose who serve. They usallaly have a smile on thei face after I thank them. To those that serve, Damn good job, keep it up. I am glad to be called an American. Plus I will be there my self soon enough. In the Air Force. :guns: :twl:
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