It is late Saturday afternoon & I wanted to play some mohaa. Seeing that a few of you were playing on Server 2 I clicked to get in. I tried 4 times & had no luck. There were 3 people on TS & when I asked why I couldn't get in I got no answer. This was . I have played with you before. What's up???? Now if you were in a scrim I can understand why the server was locked down. To get no answer from someone was not like you guys.
Can someone tell me what is the heck is going on please? I love to come and shot you . You clan is the best clan there is.
Peace, Love & Light
Can't get into TWL Server 2
Moderators:, ViPER, Hottieshottie
SS was on TS at that time, but was away from the computer room so he didn't hear you. Afterwards he came back and saw that you came on TS and then later exited. I wasn't on at all, but I found out about it.
He could not get on Server 2, it was locked up. We tried for several days but no luck. Now last night, 08-10-09, we were able to get on and several other non-TWL joined us for quite a few good rounds. Long John was also there.
Some of our Admin functions aren't working correctly, so it seems like there is some work that needs to be done to get it straight. I need to contact Viper or Drifter to see what's going on.
So we weren't ignoring you (can't speak for anyone else ), hope to see you on soon.
SS was on TS at that time, but was away from the computer room so he didn't hear you. Afterwards he came back and saw that you came on TS and then later exited. I wasn't on at all, but I found out about it.
He could not get on Server 2, it was locked up. We tried for several days but no luck. Now last night, 08-10-09, we were able to get on and several other non-TWL joined us for quite a few good rounds. Long John was also there.
Some of our Admin functions aren't working correctly, so it seems like there is some work that needs to be done to get it straight. I need to contact Viper or Drifter to see what's going on.
So we weren't ignoring you (can't speak for anyone else ), hope to see you on soon.