Hey Guys,
Been awhile since I have been on regularly. You know what they say, be careful of what you wish for... SS and I have a business, my end is technical consulting. things were slow at the beginning of the year, but now I'm doing overtime.
But the big disappointment is that my gaming machine took a dump on its Ethernet and Video card to the point that I can't play MOHA with it (or anything with serious moving video). I have a laptop and I have tried it on the server, but it's just not as good as it needs to be to play a decent game (lot of lag) - and that's without TS. I'm going to have to put together another system with components from CompUSA/TigerDirect. I'm going to start collecting items this week, but I have a trip to Austin coming up so it will be awhile.
Anyway, I plan to be back on this next month, can't wait to be on the battlefield on TWL again.
Down, but not out
Moderators: Paul.nz, Silo, GASOLINE^*^IGNITED, Hottieshottie