Dead Computer

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Dead Computer

Post by Moukey_Cat »

Moukey_Cat here. Been a LONG time since I could play. Long story short: due to a broken off heat sink my comp died. Finally got a new comp but due to windows seven and I think more importantly that I only still have my Spearhead and Breakthrough CDs rather than MoHAA original I can't load the games. If I remember the old comp died in about August 2013.

I assume I will be unable to play again. But to be honest I haven't seen a lot of people on the server viewer lately anyway. Kind of amazing that people still play MoHAA after so long.

Hello to those who remember me. If you have an idea how I can get it to work that would be nice but if not then all good things must come to an end.

Thanks for any help.

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Re: Dead Computer

Post by ViPER »

That's the spirit mouk....
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Re: Dead Computer

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You have two choices for getting it going.Firstly getting the aa disc by buying or downloading it or connecting your old harddrive up to your new computer and transfering the ea games folder to your new machine.This works with this game.I use a usb type harddrive dock which i can put any harddrive in and connect it to my computer through the usb cable (good for data backup).They are very cheap from china with free freight but it normally takes a month to arrive.
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