i'm done with server. i'm tired of people making excuse for other people actions. like i said it's ok for one person to cuss and be a fool. but not another player like rayden? who been here way longer then red. but yet viper had no problem kicking and removing him! i dont get it and i dont care this is a dying game anyways. we should be trying to keep players not keep pushing them out. like case and point i'm out peace Jones
viper here link you can fix setit up whatever.
link1 subject to change just look up mohaa revival when it changes: http://mohaa.dynx.me/
link2 : https://oceanofgames.com/medal-of-honor ... v-6556658/
link 3 this is a great place to get games but caution lots of popup ads : https://igg-games.com/medal-honor-allie ... nload.html
if you want more than you'll have to ask fire he knew of some places as well.
welll it been fun
Moderators: Paul.nz, Silo, GASOLINE^*^IGNITED, Hottieshottie
Re: welll it been fun
Difference being - when i ask someone to stop doing something - they either stop or leave and come back later and apologize like Red often does. Or they keep doing whatever stupid thing they want to do to upset people - so they get kicked. Its that simple.
Try running your own house sometime - you'll realize real quick its no fun.
Try running your own house sometime - you'll realize real quick its no fun.