Discussion forum for TWL Servers, Maps and Mods: Look here for all the latest on new maps and mods. Got a MOD request? All support, discussion and development.
BillCollector wrote:Good Idea Uber, I was thinking that money for posts would flood the forums with lame posts just to up dollar amounts... Can we monitor the forums to only a post with substinance would earn TWL cash???
If you think a post has substinance - donate to the poster. A post without substinance will receive little attention. We all get paid and not everybody does a great job - but those who do can be awarded by anyone for a job well done. The idea is to get people to participate - focus on the positive and worry only if the post is inapropriate or uncalled for.
If you spam, the system has built in switches to prevent payment. And ofcourse if anyone disputes the substinance (that it is uncalled for or inappropriate) of a particular post and the command agrees - the wages can be withdrawn and if diserved an additional fine may be levied against the abuser.