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No luck

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:52 pm
Well i didn't receive the helicopter from my last post so i guess noone had one to send me...

BUT does anyone have one of these?

Re: No luck

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:55 pm
by ViPER wrote: BUT does anyone have one of these?
If you mean the cool blue flood suit with matching cap, yup. Got one just like it lol.

The RC jet on the other hand is way cool. needs a landing chute though lol. My grandfather, who died before i was born - worked on the design of the blackbird. the only details I know is that his work involved electrical engineering and he received a Presidential commendation from the POTUS for his contribution. It use to be hanging on my Grandmothers(who died when I was young kid) wall - not sure where it ended up. :sad:

No viper i have one

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:44 pm
Viper i also have one of those suits so please dont send it to me.I actually have 2 pink stripes around the arms so people can tell me apart from people such as yourself.
Ps:the plane is awsome and the work which has gone into it is incredible.This would have taken ages to build.

I seen this awhile ago and just about cried.

This is another short clip with mishaps.Some of them appear to be on a field with a strong crosswind so the people deserve what they get.