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Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:31 pm
by Über§oldier
<center>If you haven't heard already, there was an 8.8 earthquake in Chile South America. The destruction is on a mass scale with amount of damage not yet estimated. The quake lasted 1 minute (+ or -) and now the Tsunamis warnings are effecting the Pacific Coast and Hawaii.</center>
After seeing such disaters as;
•Magnitude 8.8 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE February 27, 2010
•Magnitude 7.0 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN February 26, 2010
•Magnitude 6.9 CHINA-RUSSIA-NORTH KOREA BORDER REGION February 18, 2010
•Magnitude 5.9 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA February 04, 2010
•Magnitude 7.0 HAITI REGION January 12, 2010

Please pray for these poor people and donate when possible to official disaster recovery programs. Also keep in mind that we on the West Coast are due for another big one. I was in the North Ridge earthquake in 1994 and seeing the destruction from that quake being a 6.9, I can't even imagine what these people are going through with higher quake ratings.

<center>Also, like I said above, keep us in mind... we might be next!</center>


Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:36 am
I also live on a earthquake fault line and we are expecting one also.We were on sunami alert and all our beaches were closed.On the east coast the tide went out and come back fast and raise about 30 centimeters which is a lot lower than some of the islands ad there was no damage.Unfortunatly the earth is changing and when it does many people will suffer