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Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:42 pm
I posted the screenshots for one reason only.They are there to show people what is happening at times.No one ever complains about language like this... just cheating.I personally would prefer to play with a polite cheater rather than people like these.I removed some of these people from the server and only screenshot things in case people complain.
Admins would prefer to never have to kick anyone and know that everyone in the server behaves but we know that is not the case,some people will always join the server to teamkill or to be a nusance.These are the people i remove so the genuine players can play and have fun.

Im vocal and will never say that H word again

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:42 pm
by MrN@sty
Ya, Im vocal about people that I think are hacking. No Im not taking screen shots. I'll just move to another channel and then you dont have to hear me. Yes FC is good, best ive seen. Yes i thought he was hacking. And yes I understand why he comes on to TS and smurf on the server. Just to hear us say " is he hacking".
Seriously, Ive been playing for a long time, as most of us have. I like to play clean and really get pissed off when I see no-fog hacking Toy-Story types make a shot that no one can shoot. I even found the hack and loaded it just to see what it does.

I'll keep my mouth shut about the hackers. You can enjoy TS again.

I would like to have a clan scrimage sometime though? Can we have a Clan night with a password on the server?

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:29 am
by FireCracker
Wow... I don't look in here much, but it seems my name is being brought up. Let me give my 2 cents on it...

First, I appreciate people saying I'm a best ever kind of player, but I know the truth. The best players left SH years ago to play new games. I think you guys forget how it used to be. There used to be a gazillion servers going, and the best servers kicked people for pings of 100... sometimes less. Now, we are playing with crazy pingers just to get players in the server, and its not really a fair contest between a 50 pinger vs a 200 pinger.

Second, cheaters suck. Everyone agrees on that. But like others have said... score does not provide a very good indication of it. Just because a someone gets shot by the same guy over and over does not mean they are cheating. I mean... geez... there's only so many players on the map... only so many hiding spots (if you know the maps).. and its pretty easy to target someone who does the same thing over and over again. And this is especially true when you play with the same people day after day... you learn tendencies of players and know what they will do. OV is the prime example.. he makes it too easy. lol But everyone has tendencies. Sometimes maps force tendencies as well.

Third, I get on TS because I enjoy the conversation. You guys are a great group of people and it's nice to hear the characters. I think its hilarious to hear people talk about hack this and hack that... I don't mind personally. If its directed at me, it only motivates me to try harder. The only time it bothers me is if it gets personal. Push is the only one who has taken it to that level by complaining hard-core about me and acts like I'm ruining his fun or something. Honestly, it fucking sucks, because Push is one of the guys I enjoy listening to most on TS. Isn't that ironic? He seems like a great fucking guy. But he hates me because I shoot his silly ass. I have no bones with anyone.. even Push... just stfu about it and play. I'M NOT CHEATING!

On a side note, it seems unfair when someone claims "CHEATER!" against a player with absolutely zero proof... only because they are on a hot streak or something. Then someone else says ""Yeah, I agree.", and another "Yeah, I think so too", etc etc... and NOBODY has an ounce of proof. The only proof is the score. But then all the accusations snow ball and for some strange reason, it becomes gospel that that individual is a hack. That is just lame and it disintegrates the whole game. Everyone thinks everyone else is a cheater, and if someone is playing better.. it's only because they cheat. I hope people don't think the same way in the game of life... That mentality could be crippling towards happiness, success, and fulfillment.

Last, it's just a game. There's nothing on the line. We don't even have clan matches like the old days. None of this matters. It's purely for fun and friendly competition. The game is old. We have very little steady players. If we can't get along, or we ban people for just the smallest reasons... we will end up playing alone. And who wants that?

Okay.. My rant is done, and I feel much better now. :thumbup1:

-Fire Cracker

(If the censor here does not like my use of the English language, I make no apologies. It's just me being me. Just delete the post if its inappropriate.)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:25 am
by Ouch
I miss the late nite gang :sad:
working on a new (used) laptop ,hoping it will run mohaa
freaking vista sucks so i installed windows 7 far it's running fine.. see ya all soon


Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:52 am
Gee firecracker how on earth could you write that well at 4.29 am.Most normal people would be fast asleep.Well said.

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:40 pm
by BillCollector
This is the KING of Sissy posts. If you dont like someone calling you hack or whatever Tell them to pound sand. if it makes you cry that much then stop playing. Jeez i read this crap all the time and its so lame. Lets just say everyones a hack and be done and have fun. Its a game.


Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:38 pm
Bill i dont think you get the point.Go to the TWL website and look to the left.It says in big writing..

Members shall not complain online! Members will not call others cheaters, campers, spawn killers and type killers or any of the many other derogatory remarks that others use.

Have Fun, and Kill Well.<TWL>The War Legends™

When TWL was started the owners made rules which has been in place since the beginning.The rules are there for a reason and if people disagree with it they should contact the admins to change it.

I personally am not good enough to be called a cheat (but i have been called one) and i enjoy the game.
I personally dont care at all if people cheat.If someone gets 100 kills and 1 death who cares.

Bill you dont go into the server or teamspeak much so you dont know how it is now at times.But i have to admit since this post has been going people have backed off so it may be a sissy post but it is better to just do a simple post reminding people of the rules rather than admins telling people to leave.

Re: Abuse from TWL members.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:25 pm
by PolisH wrote:The abuse from some TWL members against others about hacking and cheating has got way out of hand.The admin made rules and some members choose to ignore them.If you think someone is cheating or hacking post screenshots or contact viper,mr moo and roadrunner.It is very simple and dosn't need accusations in teamspeak or the server.
Admin has observed many people they thought may not be playing fair and let them play or removed them.
I personally am happy with the admins decision and i am happy they made it and i didn't have to bother with it.
If you think someone is cheating i dont want to hear about it,simply screenshot it or contact the heads.
I personally have been called a hacker and a glitcher from twl members.And thats up to them to contact viper,mr moo or roadrunner.
We are not kids and should have respect for our fellow players.If someone is cheating its their stupidity and we all know they will never get better.All i am asking here is stop accusing people without proof and if you do have proof consult the top admin and not everyone else in teamspeak or in the server.
10-4 Understood