map problems ? / clean folders

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map problems ? / clean folders

Post by ViPER »

We have had some problems with some of the maps in a couple of the TWL map paks. If this is the case for you try taking a look at what I have here to see if your folders are in good condition.

We have seen common problems with "space Terrains" "open terrains" and now "der_vorposten" also some individuals have experienced these types of problems with various other maps that they have a duplicate version of in thier folders somewhere.

What can often happen is a duplicate file may still be in your folder that blocks the new file resulting in an error and not allowing you on the server. When this happens use your console to check for an error. The last error at the very bottom of the console data stream will be the cause for server rejection.

If the error is "map not found" then you need the map pak that has that map. scroll up the console data stream to see what map it was trying to load.

If the error is "map checksum mismatch" then this means you have the wrong map version but with the same name - at the same time you may also have the correct map version too, but the game is reading the wrong map version last. what ? you say ? - read on......

When the game loads spearhead for example - it starts loading the main folder and then the mainta folder. Also - it will load PK3s in alphabetical order "a - z". So - 'zzz-map2" will load after "user-map5.pk3" and "mainta/user-map5.pk3" will load after any file in "main". the file that loads last takes priority.

Here's what to do in this case -

For this scenario I am going to use "der_vorposten" as the example.

"der_vorposten" is in the new map pak "twlmp6main.pk3" - it was previously released in

"der_vorposten_beta.pk3" and

so you will want to remove these from your main and mainta or maintt if you put things in your breakthrough folder -

"der_vorposten_beta.pk3" and/or


First you will need to look in your game folders - usually located in your

c:/program files/ea games/mohaa/

look in the main and compare it to my main folder here -

I have divided the folders into three groups - the first group is game required files - the second group are optional - the third group is TWL specific mods or maps.


now through process of elimination remove any files that do not belong - place them in a temp folder for now in case you need them later.

now repeat the same process for "mainta"


If you use BT - repeat the same process for "maintt" note - you will want to include the TWL grouping from "mainta"


Now try again - if the problem persists always check console for errors.

You may also have a corrupt download of the map pak - this happens often so try redownloading.

You may also try to determine the version of a map by loading it in your own config by using the start a game - build config option on your local machine.

The main thing is locating and removing the trouble map - which is difficult to find because they are inside pk3s that are often titled different than the map.

Good luck and post if you have any comments or questions
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