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Do away with rank system

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:47 am
by ViPER
Drifter and I never wanted to establish the rank system but we did anyways because a majority wanted it. Rank is determined by the following

1. Rank and awards are based on requested clan vote nominations and 360 input from fellow members
2. length of service
3. participation on the forums, TS and Alpha Bravo
4. support for the servers

and has been the system for three years.

Some think it's not fair and choose not to wear rank - the time and effort for me is really not worth it and was never something I enjoyed spending time on.

Let us know how you think it should go -

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:49 am
by Peas
First and foremost I truely enjoy our, " TWL " , Clan, or group............

A few days ago I became heated over the rank issue. I appoligize that I do not have the time to post on occasions, or join on Sunday matches. I have a family, and weekends I work.

Besides my personal life, I enjoy being a member and I am pround to have brought the people that are part of TWL here know. I believe that this is the right place to play and be, bar none.

The ranking system for me does not work with the current standards ......... I cannot get on in the evening I am working or with my family. I would love to to do so but it's a game and I have ot be realistic.

It is unforutnate that my name has been taken down. I do what I can, when I can.

This Clan, ( Group ) ... should be one and not judge on posts, or Sunday matches, etc....

This Clan should value our players, our die hards on their enthiusaism , willing to listen and learn, and most of all loyality and have a good time.

Long live TWL.........


Re: Do away with rank system

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:53 am
by Jimmy
ViPER wrote:Some think it's not fair and choose not to wear rank -
As I may have been the one who started not wearing the rank, please let me explain my thoughts................

Most of you know me, this is nothing more to me than just a game, not a competition to see who is higher on the totem pole, (an Alaskan thing lol) or who is worthy or etc bla bla bla. I really don't care, again, this is only a game.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being here at TWL for almost (3) years now I guess getting to know most of you and I still enjoy it, well rifles anyways lol. To me it is not about the strutting chain of command but rather the friendship/fellowship amongst all of you. Chatting or letting the flak fly on TS, beating each others brains out is what this game is all about lol (rifles again). I don't know and I wont try to speak for anyone but for me it is still a game and when it stops being fun, I will leave quietly.

In Viper's defence, he is the one who spends all his time keeping the servers up, running and exciting w/ his mods and he has to make the the difficult decisions as to who gets what rank and all he gets is flak from some that think they know better. Viper has been very fair and diplomatic about this and I can guarantee, if it was me running the server I would run it like my jobs, "if you don't like it, there's the door and don't let it hit you on the butt on your way out" because I have no time for whinny Pi$$ Ants. But then that's just me

This is why I dropped my rank, I got tired of hearing all that crap. On a job-site or in the military there has to be a chain of command, in a game, all there has to be is fun.

I just want to come on TS and say howdy :wave: and have fun in the game, I get enough crap, stress etc and that's just at home. :biggrin:

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:02 am
by Felony
:twl: :2: Very well put sediments exactly! :2: :twl:

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:49 am
by BillCollector
I dont really care about rank, We know who has been with the clan and who particapates regularly.. we have high rank members already, they are called Admins! Being a general means nothing if you cant make the privates come over and wash your car and mow the lawn... So why bother with the hassle of ranks?/ just my.02

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:54 am
by ViPER
Good points Jimmy,

I think it's unfortunate that you choose to drop rank because of those few who bitch they deserve more as a result, an action I believe may only feed their fire that they are right and deserve more and rank is wrong and viper = evil bla bla lol and it is those individuals that take the fun of rank from that aspect of the game.

Rank is intended to be a fun part of the game and has nothing to do with how good anybody is. It does reflect to some level but in no certain terms a combination of one's time and participation with TWL, and it is used as a gauge to sort the caste system which is the basic structure of TWL membership. Let me explain.

There are two castes in TWL-

TWL members - all members from PVT up
TWL admins - most Cols and up are admins

For someone to dispute that a rank of LTgen is not acceptable and should be GEN is like saying -

"I am an admin - and I should really be an admin! this is bs so please make me a member!"

That makes no sense at all - Also, It has always been since day one that any individual considered for promotion is automatically excluded due to any demands, disputes or claims of deserving promotion. There is a criteria for determining promotion based on service, participation and all backed up by solicited comments from all members - I hate ass kissing and for three years I have automatically refused a promotion for anyone that brings up the matter with me.

At any rate -

Bitching about the rank system from a disgruntled few will ruin it for everybody because I will 86 it. Those individuals only make the case for themselves that they are not Admin material.

The poll is close and the "no"s are all admitted neutral, I would however like to abolish the rank system for selfish reasons, but I don't want to disappoint those that enjoy it, if there are enough of those to make it worth my time. So let's give the poll some more time.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:41 pm
by Ouch
wow.. did this rank thing get way out of hand...i agree with everyones thoughts.. there should always be two sides to any issue..not rite or wrong..but two different views... does rank matter? to some yes.. to others no...
so i guess the question remains ... keep it or not?? hmmm well i 'd have to say, other then bashin and yakin and teasin each other while enjoying vipers hard work and effort (maps mods etc) working towards a rank gives "some" people a reason to come online and play..not all i;m sure but some...and yes jimmy it;s just a game... but so is life. there will always be whinners and peeps that just bitch about anything.. we have them online and in our jobs, we deal with them at work cause we have to.. bla h blah blah bleeding hearts , but online gaming is another issue.. I come online cause I want to..NOT cause i need to pay a bill and live,so when the naggers come online and start..i normaly just leave( something i cant do at work).BUT i come back later when mommy has put wah wah to bed and the ADULTS are here playing... this clan is a part of my daily life (rite or wrong it is) and has been for over 2 years,I have seen people come and go, but ther is also a "core" of players that keep pluggin in and bashin for shear pleasure of it all..if rank is removed i think alot of respect for the "admins" will be lost....peeps earned that rite (higher rank) it;s another objective to some.. to work towards something.. anything... not everyone that plays here has the, some just have a job and a computer at home....rank has been in effect for 3 years.. seems to work fine until promotions come along, i'd like to keep it..but if not, then thats fine as well..TWL is a great clan and the folks here are even better.

My 2 cents worth.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:43 am
I havn't been in twl long bust most people would have seen me playing.I try to play at different times on the weekend than my normal playing time to meet the people who play earlier.I have never been in the army etc and i have no idea what all the ranks are or what is higher than the rest.
But i also do think players who do a lot for the clan should have a name which new members and guests should reconize as admin etc.
Through experience if guests are playing in the server and a admin is in there they will behave.In one server i played in a lot the kiddies knew who the admins were and played up when they were not playing and there was nothing the clan members could do.So if the rank system is removed it would be good if the admins stand out.
Being new to the clan i wont vote in this poll but if people want it to continue,maybe 1 or 2 people take over the system from viper because from what i see he has enough to do with the server,maps and mods etc because i have done that and know how much work is involved.
Well thats my 2 cents.....Paul.

86 the [b]Pain [/b]in the Ass

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:35 pm
by Cozpain
The ranking system can go in my opinion. I have enjoyed this clan for a few years not as a military organization but rather some place to blow off some steam, talk shit to RoadRunner and a few others, and believe it or not TWL is my crack. I enjoy blasting the regulars and pulverizing the new comers, it’s relaxing because it’s a GAME. As some one who is headed for sixty I would rather play this game with my on line friends than watch the idiot box. I don’t get on TS much but do enjoy listening to others playfully piss and moan about one player or another and Drifter after a few mind altering liquids. It’s a GAME all, doesn’t make you money, replace the family, nor does it gives me ulcers trying to make a certain rank. That’s my wooden nickels worth except thanks to Viper and Drifter and all the clan members who make TWL a great site. Thanks!!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:14 pm
by Schutzstaffel
I like the awards ex the LMS medal. The rank is cool it alows the person to track there own accomplishments. I think people that take it too seriously need to check why they are playing this game. Thanks Viper for all the time you take to make this an Awesome Clan and an Awseome Game. Love all the mods you made. :twl:

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:49 pm
by Hloudowig
I agree with a few other comments that - This Is A Game! and a very fun one at that. :thumbup1:
The rank system is OK with me, it helps identify who has been around awhile, and I just look at it as being ONE of the fun aspects of the game on this server :twl:
I would like to express my thanks to those who put the effort into keeping this server running and make it a great experience. :cheers:

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:40 pm
by squeek
Wow, what a difference a week makes.
I believe that ranks should stay. I understand it takes time for Viper to stay on top of it, and for that I thank you.
In my opinion ranks are valuable. They not only let everyone know who has been around a while, but also who is working to better TWL. Rank is not given it is earned.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:26 am
by Roadrunner
the truth is the ranks are fun. they have become part of the TWL game as much as the mods and maps we enjoy so much. I don't think we should take them too seriously, and I don't think Viper should have to spend a great deal of his time handling them. I also wouldn't be crushed if they went away. Perhaps a couple guys could take the burden off Viper and handle it for him.