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Gamepad question.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:17 pm
Ok i have started to use emulators to play the old games like space invaders and digdug.I am thinking of buying two usb gamepads to install to my computer so my partner and i can play together.
My question is can i install two gamepads to the same computer or would the computer get confused and think it was one controller and both of them move left,right etc.
I know i can buy two playstation controllers and a adapter which plugs into one usb slot and the two controllers plug into that but this will be quite expensive.
Also does anyone know if the ps2 controllers which viabrate will viabrate when connected to the pc???.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:10 pm
by ViPER
Check with Uber on keypad ? - he uses his, but I don't know about using two? I do not think that mame has shock built in - but check the interface. Press tab in the game.

tricky question

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:19 pm
I think its going to be trial and error on this one because i have read multiple different answers.The things we do to play games.